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Recruitment And Documentation Processes

The mandate of Recruitment Team is to provide manpower requirements to support the needs of the client. The Recruitment Team established a Recruitment Manual in order to guide all employees involved in the process on the procedures and documentary requirements in requesting for manpower of overseas projects.

Manpower Request

All information required by Recruitment Team must be defined in order to filter and source candidates qualified for the posts. All requests should be covered by proper documentation as a basis of sourcing the right candidates.

Internal Database

FGS owns an internal database of candidates of various expertise. Given the keywords for specific requirements, sourcing of candidates comes handy.

External Sources

For positions that are scarce in internal database, recruitment campaigns and strategies are formulated in order to attract and source candidates to fill up the required positions. These candidate sources can come from referrals, online job boards, social networking sites, special and provincial recruitment campaigns, print advertisements, and etc. Sourced candidates are then matched to job vacancies for further evaluation by the technical evaluators.

Candidate Evaluation and Deployment

During CV evaluation, Technical Evaluators make comments if candidate is qualified for an interview. Recruiters have the liberty to monitor all comments and remarks from internal database and prompt them to schedule an interview with the candidate. Prior to scheduling of interview, Recruiters need to validate the information stated in candidate CV like contact details and location, especially the interest to apply for the vacancy. Once validation process is satisfied, interview schedule shall be arranged.

The interview can be done through Skype for candidates residing from far places which are outside proximity of Luzon, nevertheless, all candidates are required to report for face to face interview.

During the interview, Technical Evaluators determine fitness and qualification of candidate for the post being considered. Many criteria are being tested especially on job competency and character. Shortlisted candidates are then submitted to client for final selection.

Selected candidates are then endorsed for the processing of travel formalities and compliance to government documentary requirements. This process includes the pre-employment medical tests, visa application, visa stamping, and POEA clearance prior to booking their flight to the country of destination. This process is under the expertise of Processing Team.

Deployment to country of destination is monitored until client confirms arrival through meet and greet information.